Shipped from France
We only ship in Europe (France excluded), USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.
- Delivery conditions
We deliver every Tuesday and every Saturday, 2 times a week. Your parcel is delivered by post office with tracker, we have a advanced system to see where exactly is your parcel, directly from our site.
Delivery delay approx.
Europe : 5 days max.
Asia - USA - south America : 7 days max.
Others : 7 days max and more possible depends of customs inspection, but with our advanced tracking system you have less stress because you know everyday where is your parcel.
- Prices
The price of transportation is all inclusive, packaging costs, transport costs and insurance costs.
The transport cost is calculated in your cart directly and depends of the weight of items and the distance of transportation.
More you buy items less the transportation costs are, so your interrest is to group your orders with your friends or your family ...
Extra exportation taxes & Insurances :
It is possible when you are going to pay that you will see a line named Tax (x.xx%), it is an extra exportation and insurance tax that we added for shipping extra cost, insurance in case of dammage and several taxes that we need to pay when the parcel leave France to your country. It is between 1 % up to 7.08 % of the amount that you ordered on our website.
Any questions on this tax please contact us.
- Special transportation possible
Transportation DHL, Fedex or TNT possible on special asking message and personal quotation, you want to ask for a special quotation, please click and enter your enquiries, contact us
Becareful : DHL, Fedex, UPS, EMS or TNT do not accept perfume delivery.
- Emails and informations sent from our website :
EMAIL 1. You will receive one clear email with your number of order (login) and your automatic and own password at your order from our site. This step confirm that we have received correctly your order and all your shipping informations are collected and regetered to our server.
EMAIL 2. You will receive an email when you paid on our partner website PAYPAL with you own credit card.
EMAIL 3. Optional : You will receive an email when your parcel has been deposed to our local post office, with the link to our order tracking system, then you could use this email to track regularly where is your parcel.
Your parcel will arrive by Post office.
In any case or question please go to this page : Contact us by phone 24/7 or by simple email. Thank you.